
IT Professional for all my life, I spent the first half in Argentina, and then moved to Belgium. I have a lovely family with 3 children, and do my best to balance work, family and sometimes even, enjoy free time :-)

In Argentina, I co-founded the Machine Learning research group while working mainly for international organizations as UNDP and World Bank, helping economic development through IT.

Now I have my own company, 'Waterloo Hills', and I am helping Belgian and International companies to cope with the challenges of managing IT developments in a highly connected, culturally diverse and very dynamic society. In particular, I enjoy making data science accessible through seminars, and showing how it can leverage business and life in these modern times.

I’m happy to get new contacts, so feel free to leave any comment.

studies and more...

I went to the Argentinean-French school 'Jean Mermoz' in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I graduate from the faculty of exact sciences at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) with the title of Computer Science in 1985 and later with the title of 'Licenciada en ciencias de la computacion' in 1987.

I then co-founded the research group in Machine Learning in 1988.

I taught Discreet math, Graphs and Machine Learning until 1992.


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